Monday, November 9, 2015

A welcome...

Here it is, my new blog. I have created other blogs in the past. Old ones from former me's that are no longer. So now, in my "adultierness" I have determined that I should be creating again and with new challenges before me what better time to start than now?

A little about me, other than my about me section.

I am getting married in April to my high school sweetheart and personal hero, Justin. He is the one I cook for and my partner in crime... I MEAN LIFE! My partner in life. ;-) The wedding is the main focus of my attention right now. Planning events has always been my passion but it is SO much different when it's your own!

Justin and I live in Greensboro where he is a paramedic and I am a billing specialist for a tolerable corporation. I didn't know such a thing existed until I started working there. We have two dogs; one old man that we've had for several years and a new-ish addition in the form of a Pit Bull who is turning four in May. He is my inspiration for opposing BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) and animal rescue and welfare activities. I adore my pibble SO much and he functions as an ESA (informally) for me. I need to get him registered so that if we move I don't have to fight to keep him.

Together, Justin and I enjoy camping, festivals, fire spinning, entertaining, football, and food. I cook, he eats. We attend festivals and love volunteering. I am chronically addicted to Pinterest and use it for most of our meals, my manicures, and my experiments with decorating and domestic design. I'm delightfully domestic with a dark twist for goth music and black make up. Oh, and heavy metal.

So there's a little bit about me! Hope you enjoy the blog, I'm gonna have food and manicures and other fun stuff!

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